Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Encourager Checklist

1 Thessalonians 5:11 " So encourage each other and build each other up.."

Hi Everyone...

I pray that your Celebrate Recovery's are going well and that you are encouraged and amazed from what God is doing through changed lives.

I was thinking about what to write in this blog and it came to me to just share my experience. Weeks before I left for the Celebrate Recovery at Saddleback , I was left enormously discouraged by devastating news that affected me to the core. One of my worst fears had come true and it truly shook me. Once again I was brought to the position of powerlessness and that it was making my life unmanageable. I was so discouraged that no matter what I did I couldn't encourage anyone. Thank God I work Celebrate Recovery and these principles are an integral way of life and that I have the wonderful friends who helped me through my season of pain as God has once again ignited that fire and desire in me for people just like me. God removed the 'pink elephants' from my life where I had just to focus on Him and draw from his word.

One of the key scriptures I drew from is 1 Thessalonians 15:11-23. I came to the realisation that this is a great checklist for Encourager's and also for the discouraged as it gets you out of discouragement! So here is how you can encourage each other in your ministries

1Thess 5: 11 Build each other up -tell someone a quality you appreciate

5:12 Honour your leaders -Look for ways to encourage your CR

5:13 Show respect to your CR leaders and volunteers - hold back critical comments about those in positions of responsibility .Say 'thankyou' for their efforts

5:14 Encourage the shy -Encourage those who are shy by reminding them of God's promises and what he can do their lives! Be sensitive!

Help the weak -Support the hurting and weak by loving them and praying for them.

Be patient -Think of something that tries your patience and plan ahead of time and
pray ahead of time to keep you calm

5:16 Be joyful -Remember that even in the midst of our own turmoil when we become
discouraged , God is in control! Let go and let God!

5: 17 Pray continually -God is aways with you- talk to Him!

5:18 Give thanks- make a gratitude list of what God has done in your life

Finally I want to finish with to count on God's constant help. Realise that our lives are not to be lived through our own strength but through God's. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 " Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again." What I love about CR is that we are not alone on our recovery journey's- we need Christ and we also need to continue to encourage and build each other up so we can share our loads together as TEAM's.

Be encouraged! Encourage someone else today!


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